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15. Cost Budget Summary

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

UniPhi will display your cost budget summary within the Cost module.

The information is grouped into the following:

  • Budget = Original version, the current approved budget and any transfers that have occurred.

  • Commitments = Original cost contracts (i.e. signed off or active), and any approved variations to total your commitments.

  • Uncommitted = this display any amounts that are anticipated, but not yet committed. The columns displayed include pending contracts, possible and pending variations, and untendered amounts.

  • Contingency = the status of any Remaining Contingency

  • Total = The total Forecast and any Variance to the Approved Budget.

UniPhi does not know what the amount of any untendered costs are until you enter this information.

Untendered Amounts and Forecast to Complete

UniPhi will report and display the untendered amount in one of two ways – automatic calculation, or manual calculation. The simplest method is to use the Forecast to Complete auto calculate feature.

Go to your cost module, project budget, and navigate to the forecast to complete.

Click on Manual and you’ll notice that the Untendered column is now editable. Enter in your estimate of the untendered forecast to complete and select Save.

Alternatively, you can select the Auto button to have UniPhi calculate the Untendered Values. This feature takes the Approved Budget and subtracts Total Committed, Pending Contacts, Possible Variations and Pending Variations. The columns are now all greyed out as they cannot be edited in Auto mode.

To change back, select Manual.

The untendered amounts will now appear in the Costs module, and in cost reports.

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