Benchmarking table
The benchmark table allows you to compare metrics of your current project to any other in your database.

Additional projects can be included by broadening the filters of sector, project type etc. The default selection is the same filters as the current project. Specific projects can be included or excluded by selecting the check box next to each project and the columns can be included or excluded by selecting the relevant check box above the column. Editing the labels changes the titles.
Cash Flow table

The cash flow table displays any phased data that exists.
Your companies cost plan can evolve over time and be customised by your system admin to get the most out of these controls.
Complex cost plan report – Parent Child
Additional functionality in the template system comes into play when generating cost plans that contain multiple buildings/sub-projects.
Parent child relationships generally enable you to generate consolidated information of all child projects in the parent project. Additionally, the embedded document control allows the parent document to embed individual cost plans generated in each child project.

Selecting the check boxes next to each document generates the content of that document within the new parent document.

Business rules for document to be embedded
Note that only signed off documents will be available to embed in another document. This should match the workflow of snapshot and creation of building cost plan reports before creating the overall cost plan report.

For more information about documents in UniPhi, refer to the UniPhi 19 Document Management training.