1. Once relevant email communication has been received via MS Outlook, select the email, and click on the “Save to UniPhi” icon, which is in the Outlook menu ribbon.
2. This will launch the Add-in form and ask you to login to UniPhi
3. Then select to save the email as either a new issue or append to issue that already exists.
4. If you select New Issue, the Create New Issue form will appear. The email title will auto-populate as the Issue Description. Select the project from the drop-down menu. Select any of the other relevant fields.
5. If the email has attachments, these will be listed at the bottom of the form as an option to save into the issue. Check the box next to the attachments you want to save.
6. If you select Append to Issue the Append to Issue form will appear. Select the project and the issue you want to save the email to. The Save Attachments option will also appear.
7. Select the green Save icon to complete the process. The email will now be linked to UniPhi and the UniPhi for Outlook Add-in will show the link. If you select the issue, UniPhi will open the issue in your browser.
Once the email has been saved, you (and your project team) can also locate it via the Issues tab. Here you will be able to view the original email and any attachments, add comments / instructions to aid communication and workflows surrounding the issue, and add actions required to close out the issue.
The resulting Issue record can now accept additional
· actions
· further comments
· email responses
· additional file attachments
· changes to due dates
Incoming communications is only one of the ways that issues arise on a project. Team members can record ideas and phone calls. If only to annotate the file to evidence that a call was made or received. Note taking of ‘random thoughts’ like something that might be needed in a few months can help with the quality management process of a project.