The Invoice object is used with Revenue contracts to generate a client invoice.
Balancing Invoices are also prepared using this object and are used where the invoice is not required to be sent to your accounting software.
Source of Data
The source of this is the Contract Claim values and principal resource information for a Revenue Contract on a project.
Template View
When preparing an invoice template there are several configuration options available.
Balancing Invoice - As the explanatory text states, a balancing invoice will not be issued with an invoice number and will not be exported via the accounting system interface (if one is used). The purpose of a balancing invoice is to align the values in the UniPhi system with the relevant finance system.
Select View – Two view options are available. The Standard view presents a tabular format of all deliverable and claim values. The Expanded view shows the same table as the standard view but also provides summary additional information such as disbursement values, original contract sum, and adjusted contract values.
Show Address Details – UniPhi will detect the address details of the Principal on the contract and include this information on the output document
Allow Marking An Invoice As Paid – Allows the document author to specify that the invoice they are creating has already been paid
Document Edit View
When editing an invoice document it is generally launched from the Contract Claim screen and there is an expectation that the claim information has already been prepared on that screen and saved.
The default contract selection will be based on the contract that the document was started from.
Tax is automatically calculated based on the Tax Rates set in the system.
The Invoice Date is a mandatory field. The Due Date is automatically calculated based on the Contract header Payment Terms field. Both of these fields can be adjusted via the calendar tool or by manually entering a date to the field.
The Column Layout provides options for the display of the line items and will default to the most appropriate for the data being presented. However this can be changed to another layout if desired.
The Invoice Paid option used where the client has already made the payment and this document is being processed for documentation purposes. The balance of the invoice is assumed to have been paid and the Total Outstanding is reduced to zero.
Individual deliverable items can be shown of removed from view. Each column heading may also be renamed, and removed from view.
Document Output View
Outputs can be viewed as html, or PDF. Their appearance will resemble the example below.
Invoice numbers are only ever added after the invoice document is signed-off in UniPhi.
The number sequence should be consistent with the Invoice numbering system in the finance system if it is interfaced with UniPhi and all invoices should be issued from UniPhi.