Best practice variation management within UniPhi involves not only the contract management components of maintaining a variation register and including this in cost reports, but also tracking the communication that surrounds the variation. Leveraging the capacity of the UniPhi Issues module to track a communication thread detailing when a possible variation is initially identified and who was involved in its resolution can be extremely helpful if any disputes arrive down the line.
1. Go to the Issues module and select the relevant project the issue relates to from the Project: filter.
2. Click Add New Issue. The following issue form will be displayed:
3. Enter in as much relevant information as required (description, rating, due date, etc.).
4. Select a relevant Category, such as EWN. Change Request or Variation.
5. Select Save to save your issue, or Save & Drill to drill into the issue details.
The term Save & Drill is used when you create an issue and need to be taken into the issue that you have just created. You would choose this option if you plan on adding issue actions, and assigning resources to those issue actions. Otherwise you can simply select save.
Assigning Issue actions
Once an issue has been created you may need to add actions, and assign those actions to people within your project.
1. Click into the issue, and click the Add button.
2. Enter in a description for your action(s), assign a person who will complete the action, and assign a due date (if relevant)
3. Continue creating subsequent actions until all required actions have been established
Attachments and Comments within an Issue
As UniPhi uses Issues as the central location for collaborating on the progress of project activities, it is important to understand how to add comments, and any related files.
1. Go into an issue, and select the Add button with the comments panel.
2. Enter comments that relate to your issue.
3. Select the Attach Files button to add any related files and Save.