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4. How to Create and Edit Project Locations/Regions

Updated: Apr 10

UniPhi can categorise projects into geographical locations, which allows for analysing portfolio data per specific region, or location. Locations are added as either region and the by location.

To add a region:

1. Navigate to Location and click the yellow Plus icon under Region.

2. Enter the name and code of a particular region

3. Click the Save icon.

You have successfully created a region.

To edit a region

1. Click on the edit icon

2. Edit the name of the region, or its code

3. Click on the Save icon to update the region

You have successfully edited a region.

To add a location

1. Click on Configuration > Project > Location and click the icon under Location

2. Fill out the Address Book details including the Code (if applicable)

3. Specify the Region that your location belongs to (if appropriate)

4. Once completed, click the Save icon.

You have successfully created a location.

To edit a Location

1. Click on the edit icon

2. Amend the name of the Location

3. Click on the Save icon to update the location

You have successfully amended a location.


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