The Project Costs object is designed simply as a data presentation tool.
Source of Data
The data source is the Cost system values for the relevant project.
Details are changed within the relevant Cost Project Budget screens before inclusion in a document.
Template View
The object control features numerous columns, and is designed to allow you full control and configurability over the desired output that you require. Each of the columns can be selectively shown or hidden by default when the template is used. Column headings may also be changed if required. The control also allows you to specify the default chart of accounts structure and depth level. Finally, you can also choose to display the costs as code, description, or code-description.

Document Edit View
By default, each of the selection options will be set at the template level by the administrator. If for any reason these selection options need to change, the document creator can make any necessary adjustments.

Document Output View
The output document will reflect document edit view, based on the selections that were made.
