Within UniPhi, resources are typically people, though in some cases resources may be materials. For the context of this manual, we will focus on resources as people. Each resource is entered into UniPhi via the Resource module as a Contact. The information entered per contact can be captured to the level of that you have on the particular person, and can therefore be very high level (simply a name), or fully detailed with all contact details, the organisation and site that they belong to, projects that they are assigned to etc.
Resources are categorised as Internal or External. Internal refers to the people internal to your organisation, and generally considered as staff in your business entity while External is anyone else that could be associated with a project, i.e. Clients, and Suppliers.
Filtering for a specific project will present all resources assigned to that project.
Resources can be edited (i.e. you can add or remove resources) at any time.
Creating Contact Resources
If the resource contact does not already exist you can create a new resource. Resources in UniPhi are split into 2 main types: Contacts and Assets. For the purposes of this manual, only Contacts are demonstrated.
A resource can be created when setting up a project, when viewing the Project Resources or when viewing the Resource Pool. At project set up or when viewing the project or from the Resource Pool click Create Resource.
If the resource you are creating belongs to an organisation not currently in the system, this can also be created. By selecting Link contact to a new organisation you will be presented with the view as seen below.
Click save to add the resources to your project. The default role of a newly created resource will be Team Member. From here you can use the Roles: dropdown to re-assign each resource to their correct role on the project.
Adding and Deleting Roles to existing Resources:
Adding Roles: You can assign additional roles to a resource at any time. Select the dropdown to the right of the resource and select the role you want to add:
Deleting Roles: To remove a role select the dropdown button next to the role you wish to remove and untick the box.
There are several contact fields that you may choose to populate at any time. The only mandatory field that requires input at this stage is the resource Name. All other fields, such as phone numbers, email address, licence type, and position detail can be updated or amended at a later date. Remember to save your new resource details before leaving this page.
The access level that your resource will have to the UniPhi system will depend on the licence type that you select. The five licence types available to you are:
· None. No access to your UniPhi deployment, the purpose of this licence type is purely to store your external client information. This information can be used when generating documents and emailing from UniPhi.
· Team Member. A lower level of access which will allow your team members to see their issues and actions, a view project related documents, and allocate time via their own timesheet.
· Project Manager. Access to issues, documents, and financial information relevant to projects they are assigned to
· Program Manager. High level access to documents, issues, and financials across all projects.
· Administrator. Full access to issues, documents, financials, and methodology changes.
Resources are specified as being Internal or External based on the Organisation & Sites that they are assigned to.