The contract deliverables object is used to display line item details of a contract for the project.
This is useful in reporting for Cost contracts and in preparation of proposals for Revenue contracts.
Source of Data
The data source for this object is the Contracts system for the project.
Template View

Columns can be added or removed by clicking on the button above the table.

Check the box for Include Schedule Dates if you would like the schedule dates to be displayed from the details entered within the contracts tab
Checking the box to Flag Contract as Committed on Sign-off will only show your contract as being committed when the document is signed off. If you require the document to leave the contract in an uncommitted state after sign off, then un-tick this box.
Document Edit View

In the resulting document the contract can be selected and can be displayed with or without the schedule. Individual deliverable items from the contract can be selectively shown or hidden as required.
Document Output View