When a project is in its early pre-sale phase, an estimate of the potential Revenue can be made in the Revenue module. The Revenue budget screen has an “N” level code structure which allows Revenue estimates to be structured to the appropriate level of granularity. By default, the Revenue structure as defined in your Revenue Chart of Accounts will be displayed.

The Revenue budget system has three value fields (qty x unit x rate) to capture each line item’s quantity, unit description field, and a rate. Data can be entered into these fields to determine a quick estimate of the potential Revenue or a total can be keyed in under the budget column if the estimate has been calculated in another system.
If the structure that is shown by default (i.e. your Chart of Accounts) does not provide sufficient detail, you can expand on the relevant code by pressing the magnifying glass, and adding in the required detail:

Once saved, clicking the arrow button will take you back to the Revenue Budget screen & now there will be an additional Depth level, Level 4 in this case. Selecting Level 4 will reveal the entire budget.
