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6. Resource Planning and Admin Reports

Forward Workload Forecast

This report is an aggregated report summing up Revenue per service line and location, grouped by region. The values entered into this report are assumed to be expected invoice values month by month.

Unlike the Project Analysis Report, the Forward Workload Forecast is based off phased Revenue in UniPhi. Revenue can be phased either at the contract level or the service code level.


Phasing Revenue via the contract ensures that the values reported in the Project Analysis Report match with the forward workload. Currently, the forward workload reports gross Revenue.

There is no adjustment on those projects with large sub-contractor components. This can inflate the revenue line when using this report for workload estimates. The report can display backlog forecasts as well as pipeline on a risk adjusted basis or grossed up to 100%. These are all adjusted via the filters within the report.

Invoice Listing

The invoice listing report will show all transactions that make up revenue and direct expenses during a financial period. This report will be a combination of the invoices raised listing the transactions and disbursements or direct project costs.


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