The Projects sub navigation view provides a number of options for managing an internal user’s access to UniPhi projects.
The first option is to bulk edit the project and role allocations of the user.
Select this and a list of all available projects and roles will display. If this list is too long, you can apply portfolio filters to it. Select the roles and the projects the user needs to be assigned to and select save. You can also deselect them form any existing roles.
This option is designed to quickly add and remove a user to a project or list of projects. Select projects from the list displayed and two additional icons will appear, Remove and Replace.
The Remove options provides a drop down to select what roles you want to remove the user from. Select Remove again to complete the task. This option is useful to remove someone form projects after they have left an organisation or changed roles.
The Replace option provides two drop down lists to select the resource replacing the user and the role that you will place the new user into on the select projects. Select Replace again to complete the task. This is useful to replace staff going on leave or when project roles change.
Viewing Organisations & Sites
Viewing Organisations at the highest level will display information about all of the Organisations that you have entered into UniPhi. At this high level, you can see detail such as the name of the organisations, the number of sites related to the organisation, and the number of people assigned. Each of the headings are sortable, so you can sort organisations alphabetically, or by the number of assigned sites, or number of people assigned.
Clicking into an organisation will display the organisation specific information, such as the company website, ABN, email address and the bank details.
Also, within the Organisation view, you can see each of the contacts within the Organisation, their contact details, and licence access type.
The Correspondence sub navigation displays all correspondence from UniPhi, linked to this organisation.