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11. Document Editing, and Version Control

Updated: Jan 8

Members of the project team can edit all documents unless their role or license level does not have editing or view rights to the underlying template. Each time the document is edited a new version is created (for any status other than Private). Previous or Superseded versions can be accessed and reviewed when viewing a document. Document reviewers and collaborators can observe changes that have been made between versions, add comments within the document, and can revert back to previous versions of a document.

Document version control can also be utilised where a document is produced on a recurring basis.

For example: A monthly Minutes document can simply be produced each month as the same document.

The benefit in doing so, is that UniPhi will not contain numerous copies of the Minutes, but rather will have one document that contains multiple historic versions.

Document Version Control in Action

Version Control is a powerful method for both collaborating in the production of a document, and in viewing historical changes to a document that have occurred. The following steps will guide you through modifying a document, replacing attachments within the document, adding comments, and then reverting back to a prior document version.

1. From the Documents module, select a document that you would like to edit.

2. The document will launch in a new browser tab. Select the PENCIL icon.

3. Re-name your document, and select Continue.

UniPhi will alert you that you are about to create a new version of your document. Select OK to continue

4. Make some changes to your document.

For example: The document being edited has a new file attachment added. The document control type allows the document author/editor to add a description per file attachment, and to make general commentary relating to the step

5. Save any further changes and modifications and continue until you reach the Finish step.

6. Review your changes in either html format, or by saving as PDF

The saved document presents a change log view of all changes that have been made with the file attachments. UniPhi lets you know when a file was added, or changed.

Document attachments. UniPhi is able to save file attachments into documents. When viewing this information in your UniPhi document you will see thumbnails of any image files, and titles for any other files such as word document, spreadsheets, etc. When the document is exported to PDF you will find the actual files saved within the PDF file attachment. In Adobe PDF reader this is located via a paperclip icon in the top left corner of the PDF. Selecting the files will launch them on your computer.

If you wish to replace a file attachment within a document, click on the 'Edit' button located at the top of the document. Select 'Attachment' from the right-hand menu. Select 'OK' when asked if you wish to continue creating a new version of the document. Tick the box next to the attachment you wish to replace, and the 'Replace Attachment' button will appear. After uploading the new attachment, go to the 'Finish' section in the right-hand menu, choose your document status, and click the 'X' button. You have now successfully updated a file attachment within a document.


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