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Expense Claims

The Expense Claim interface is found in the Timesheets module. This function is used to process one-off payments that don't require a contract.

To add a new expense, press the yellow plus icon. Then fill in the description, date and amount. Select the project that the expense belongs to and select the account code.

Press the green save icon when you are done.

You can process multiple expenses at once by repeating the process.

When you are ready to approve the expenses, click on the approval document template.

Select the project that the expense/s belong to then press the green arrow icon.

The standard Expense Claim document template is 2 steps. One will automatically display the expense details (description, amount, etc). The other step will allow the user to upload files such as a receipt/invoice.

When you have finished creating the document, set the status as "awaiting sign off".

The document can be found in the Documents module where the designated signatory can sign off on it.

Administrators can choose whether or not expenses are included in the project actuals by going to Configuration > Templates > editing the document template and checking the box in the Expense Claim step circled below.


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