Timesheets are approved from within the Timesheets module.
When a user has submitted their timesheet hours for approval, a sub-nav called "Timesheets for Approval" will appear.
The approver can click on this and use the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons to approve or reject the timesheet.

When all timesheets have either been approved or rejected, the sub-nav will disappear.
How are approval rights determined?
Approval rights are determined by the settings that have been configured by an Administrator.
The access level required for approving timesheets is configured under Configuration > Timesheets > settings.

Once this setting has been chosen, approval roles can be created by going to Configuration > Roles. In the example above, only roles with Program Manager or Project Manager access levels can approve timesheets on a given project.

Once there are roles configured with the appropriate access level, users will need to be assigned to the project team in one of those roles. See this video for how to add users to the project team: