Start by going to the Contracts module and drill into your project .
Select the contract and scroll to the Extension of Time panel at the bottom of the screen.
Press the yellow plus icon to create a new one.
Fill in the EOT details.
Here, you can select if this EOT applies to the whole contract or just a particular deliverable.
Press the green save icon when you are done.
Now you can create an EOT document by pressing the "new document" icon.
When the contract is selected, the EOT details will be automatically brought in.
You can also link any issues that relate to this EOT. Using the issues module is a great way to link the paper trail that led to the EOT. Users can log emails from outlook directly into UniPhi , add comments to the issue , and create actions with due dates, escalation levels, and more.
Continue working through the document steps until the Finish step.
Here, you can change the document name, add a due date, and select the status. Setting the status as "Awaiting sign off" will notify the required signatory that the document is ready for approval.
Once the document has been signed off, the EOT will automatically be marked as approved.