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How to Edit Document Sign Off Roles

Only System Administrators can change the role that is required to sign off documents.

To do this, follow the steps below:

Go to the menu icon on the top right hand side of your screen.

Expand the Configuration Menu and scroll down to click on Templates.

Find the document template you with to amend, and press the pencil icon on the right hand side.

You will see a panel on the bottom right of the screen titled Document Sign Off roles. This is where you select who is required using the tick boxes.

When you are done, press the green save button.

Keep in mind:

  1. If there are multiple people on a project who are in the role that you selected, the document will require all of those people to sign it off.

  2. The signatory is defined at the role level. You cannot specify a particular person to sign off a type of document. Any changes to the template will apply to all projects and every document that is subsequently created with that template.

  3. Any changes to a template will NOT affect any existing documents. The changes will only apply to new documents created after the changes were made.


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