With UniPhi version 20 and above, you can use our copy/paste from Excel functionality to bulk import your contracts, deliverables, and variations across multiple projects.
Start by configuring your contracts in Excel using the downloadable template below:
Refer to the Instructions tab and the Contracts tab.
Once your data is configured correctly, open UniPhi and navigate to the Contracts Module.
Ensure that All Projects is selected.
Press the upload icon.
Select contracts from the drop-down list.
Open Excel and copy your data, including the heading row.
Go back to UniPhi and paste into the box.
Map the columns using the drop-down lists.
Press the validate icon to check for any errors. Any invalid cells will be highlighted in red.
Hover your cursor over the red cell/s to find out why it is invalid.
Then you can go back into Excel and fix it.
When you have made any necessary changes, copy your data again.
Press the arrow icon to clear the box. Then paste your data again and press validate.
If there are no errors, press the save icon to finalise the import.
Press the X icon to exit the import page.
Now you can use the same function to import contract deliverables and variations.
Refer to the Deliverables and Variations tabs in the Excel template above.
Then you can repeat the import process, except ensure that you have Contract Deliverables or Contract Variations selected from the drop-down list.
When you are done, you can open your project and view your new contracts.