If uploaded files have a valid annotation, the system will automatically log the annotation and capture details like priority and creation date in the custom fields.
Comments are automatically colour-coded to show priority level, and have now been successfully linked, and tracked, directly to the file in UniPhi.
1. To view, click Annotations sub navigation within the Documents Module.
Navigate to Documents > Annotations.
UniPhi provides the ability track specific annotations, as items to resolve, in the Issues Module.
1. Select a file and tick the relevant annotation checkbox. Note you need to be in an activity/project to have checkboxes displayed.
2. Click the Add New Issue icon to open up a new Issue form. Complete the form.
3. Once the form is completed and assigned, save the Issue. By default, the file is automatically linked and attached to the Issue.
4. When resolved, update the comment and reupload the document.