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Transmitting Files

Once files are ready for review, transmit them to external collaborators for feedback.

1. Select files using checkboxes.

2. Create a new transmittal by clicking on the yellow Create New Document icon.

3. Select the Drawing Transmittal template, from the dropdown menu, and click the green arrow icon.

4. Follow the steps to complete the Transmittal Number, Headers, Distribution List, Files, Related Issues, and Workflow. These steps and order are fully configurable by System Administrator license holders.

5. Choose recipients in Distribution step (external team members, clients, etc.).

6. If necessary, link related Issues to the file and assign a Design Review Workflow to the transmittal, so tasks are distributed with due dates.

7. Click Document Status, then View Document, to review transmittal details.

8. Review the transmittal, then email it to selected recipients by clicking the email button located at the top.

9. Recipients will receive an email with links to download files and provide feedback.

Tracking Document Transmittal

After sending the documents for review, you can track the transmittal status of each file.

1. Locate the file and filter for the desired version. 

2. Click the Transmittal History icon to review the status.

3. Navigate to Status Column.


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