Resources within UniPhi are categorised as being
· Organisation – The trading entity or “brand” that you are dealing with. The organisation must have at least one site associated with it, and in some cases it may have multiple sites
· Site – The physical location of an organisation. The site will have a physical address, and will have one or more resources associated with it.
· Contact – A person. Each contact is created in UniPhi and can be a licenced user or can have no access and simply be stored in UniPhi for contact and CRM purposes. Each contact can be linked to one or more sites and organisations
· Asset – Broadly speaking assets are materials that relate to your project.
Asset may be resources which have been procured in bulk quantities, which are then allocated to projects within your organisation. For example, your organisation may purchase a block of land, which it hopes to develop and sell off as individual units. In order to track and monitor the land asset, and the units which are built upon that land, UniPhi uses the Asset category
UniPhi’s flexible design allows an organisation to create custom fields per resource type. In practice this means a contact person may have specific details recorded against them, and this is also possible for an organisation, site, or an asset.
Create a resource Category
1. From the side menu, select Configuration > Resources and navigate to the Custom Fields tab.
2. Press the Add+ button under Resource Custom Field Categories.
4. Enter the name of the resource category
5. Save your entry.
Create a Resource Custom Field
In order to create your resource custom field:
1. Scroll down to the Custom Field panel and select the type of resource custom filed that you wish to create from the drop-down section menu.
2. Press the Add button and select the category that your field belongs to, provide a name for your custom field, and select the type of information that your custom field will capture.
3. Save your entry.
Once created, the resource custom fields will appear within the resource details for that particular resource type.