Project sectors are generally created at the initial set up of UniPhi, though it is possible to create additional, or to edit existing categories, as outlined below:
To create new project sector:
1. Click on the Side Menu (Hamburger) > Configuration > Project tab to see the project sector window:
2. Click on Plus the icon
3. Enter the name of the new project sector
4. Click on the Save icon
5. Go to Summary view and from the pop out menu. Select the Sector drop down list to see your newly created category included in the list.
You have successfully added a sector
UniPhi has some universal icons that are consistently used throughout the system. Each data grid will have an edit and a delete icon, which is used by the appropriate users to edit that part of the system: edit and delete icons:
To edit a sector:
1. Click on the edit icon .
2. Edit the name of the project sector
3. Click on the Save icon to update all projects that have been assigned to this category.
You have successfully edited a sector