Once you have entered your organisation or project risk likelihoods, consequences and levels, you are able to use this information to construct the risk matrix.
The risk matrix “multiplies” the risk likelihood by the risk consequence, resulting in a calculated risk level. Managers use this information to prioritise and manage project risks.
UniPhi automatically populates the risk matrix using the likelihoods and consequences already created. The next step required to complete the matrix is for levels to be applied to each of these combinations.
Once you have created your matrix, and go to add actual risks to a project, you will be asked to select the likelihood and consequence for each risk. Based on the matrix, a risk level and traffic light icon will be applied to the risk automatically.
To create a risk matrix:
1. Go to Configuration > Risks and scroll to the Risk Matrix box:

2. Use the Level dropdown to select the appropriate level, based on the likelihood and consequence of the risk.
3. Repeat the process until all combinations have a level applied.
4. Save all your entries.
You now know how to create a risk matrix in UniPhi.