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27. Workflows using the Issue system

Updated: Feb 19

The Issues tab is designed to log, track, and report on issues relating to a project. Often issues are common to many projects and the same steps or actions need to be carried out to resolve it, and in some cases actioned by the same roles.

Further, if the time taken to complete the actions is the same it can be determined using the issue template functionality, automatically calculating a due date for the common isssue once the template is applied.

This functionality can be used for common issues and also common tasks. For example, a template can be created to facilitate the workflow required to carry out a progress claim.

Add an Issue Template

1. Go to Configuration > Issues> Workflows tab and navigate to the Issue Templates tab

2. Enter in the name of your issue template

3. Determine if the Due Days field is to be calculated using business days or elapsed days

4. Select the relating Sector, Project Type, Service Line and Location for the issue template.

Due Days: Due days refers to the number of days required to complete all actions and close out the task/issue. The System Administrator is able to use the drop down list to specify how the due date is calculated, based on the number of days entered. Where business days is selected, UniPhi will ignore weekends and calculate a due date further in the future. Where elapsed days is selected, UniPhi will include Saturday and Sunday and the resulting due date will be sooner that if business days was selected. UniPhi defaults to business days.

5. Save your entry.

Note that the Due Date field has automatically defaulted to 0. As actions and the number of days after the issue or action was triggered that the action is due are entered, UniPhi will automatically update the final Due Date field. For example, if an issue is triggered on a Tuesday and the first action is required to be completed 3 days later, UniPhi will calculate the due date as being Thursday, (i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday allocated to complete the first action). System Administrators must enter in the due days based on when the issue or action was triggered, NOT based on when the previous action was completed.

6. Enter the first action, the number of days after the issue or task was triggered that the action is due, and select the relevant role that will carry out the work:

7. Click the plus icon to add the first action and all subsequent actions:

Note that the Due Days field has increased to 10 days, with the first action due 1 day after initiation, and the second action due 5 days after the first action.

8. Amendments can be made at any time and are saved by clicking the Save button.

You have successfully created an issue template.

Issue Templates in action.

1. To test your new template, go to Portfolio > Issues tab and select a project from the Project dropdown.

2. Click to add a test issue.

3. Enter in the name of your issue, select the resource that is responsible for the issue or task, and select the template you created from the Template dropdown. Next, select a rating for the issue (if nothing selected UniPhi defaults to a medium rating).

4. Click the arrow button to save and view your issue actions:

Note that Actions, Resources and Due Dates have been automatically generated based on your template and the day the issue was created.


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