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35. Template Management

Updated: Feb 19, 2024

The Templates management system is found under the UniPhi Methodology system.

When you click onto the Templates tab you will notice that in the upper right side there is a panel that highlights Recently Used Templates.

This panel is designed to inform a UniPhi user of the templates that they have recently used. Theoretically the user will use similar templates when creating documents on a regular basis, hence they don’t need to search for a specific template from a potentially long list of templates, as then can simply select the template they need from those that have been recently used.

At the very bottom of the screen below the Templates panel is the Template Categories pane

Template categories are a useful way to limit, or contextualise the templates that your users will be presented with in UniPhi. In the example above you can see that several template categories have been associated with defined sectors, project types, service lines, and locations.

Adding a New Category 

1.     In the Template Categories panel click the Add icon. The new Category field will appear

2.     Type the name of the new category. If the templates that will be assigned to this template category are intended for use by all users, then you can leave all project specific information blank. No selection means the category is available to all users. Alternatively, if you wish to limit the category of templates to a specific group, you may make a selection at each of the project specific drop down selections.

3.     Click on the Save icon to save your changes or click X the icon if you make a mistake.

4.     The new category will appear in the Template Category list.

At the far right hand of the Template Category list are the icons to Edit or Delete an existing category.  Pressing the edit icon will open up all of the selectable fields and allow you to make your changes. Pressing the delete icon will allow you delete any unwanted categories.

Available Templates

The Methodology Templates panel provides a list of all the templates which have been created in UniPhi. The defaults that are included with a new installation or UniPhi are designed to simply provide examples of template concepts that may be created.

The listing shows all the Templates in the system according to the selected Financial Management category filter.

The icons in the upper left corner of the panel allow you to create a new templates.

The icons to the right of each template in the list provide you to View, Edit, and Delete your templates. The View icon loads a summary of the steps or sections of the template as an overview of what it includes.

This is opened in a new browser tab or window and can be closed to return to the template list.

A deleted Template is not recoverable although any documents created using the template will remain intact.


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