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42. Create a Simple UniPhi Template Part 2

Updated: Feb 19, 2024

Template Steps and the Checklist: UniPhi templates are made up of Steps that the user must complete (called the Checklist) to create the final document. Each step in the checklist represents a document control (see below) and needs to be selected in order to import the data and to save the information. This information will then be displayed within the final document .

Note that the Steps Added box is empty as no steps have been added to the template yet. As steps are added and saved, each step title will appear in the Steps Added panel.

This is a useful reference when creating your template, but also as a navigation aid when you are creating a document from the template, as you can jump straight to a specific step as opposed to having to save and continue through the whole document.


Document Controls / Input Objects are created by UniPhi software developers as an integral part of the document management system. They enable quick creation of documentation based on information that has already been entered into UniPhi.

Example Document Controls:

The Textbox (Rich) document control appears in most templates. By using this control the user can enter unlimited text, tables and graphics into their document. Default text can also be entered by the template creator / administrator and will be displayed, and can be edited or deleted by the user.

A Contract Details control can be configured to let the user specify which contract the document refers to as projects can have multiple contracts. This method is used to make information from the selected contract available for use in the document you are creating. Information from that contract can be populated throughout the document by using Template Variables. Template variables will be outlined in more detail later in this training series.

A full list of document controls can be found in the appendix of this document.

14.       Enter a description for the template step. This is where you can add instructions to your end users on how to fill a template in:

15.       The Page Break drop down allows you to indicate if you want the following/previous step to appear on a different page. This is useful when the output orientation of a page differs from those that precede or follow (e.g. a landscape page that follows a portrait page):

16.       The Heading Style: drop down allows you to select the format of the step. Select Heading 1, 2 or 3 for the Step Title to appear as a heading in the document or select Paragraph for it to appear as normal text. Select None if you do not wish the Step Title to appear in the final document.

17.       Tick or un-tick the Hide Output tick box if you do or do not want the step hidden:

Hide Output: When setting up a template it may be necessary to include steps that you wish to be hidden in the final document. For example, you may want to include a Date Selector input object so that you can insert that date throughout the document (through the use of template variables) but do not want the date to appear where that step appears in the checklist. Users of the template have the option to unhide steps and hide steps.

When setting up templates, System Administrators are establishing default settings that the user can amend if required.  Users also have the option to change page breaks set by the administrator and standard text entered into text boxes.

18.       Next select the Input Object Type (or Document Control) for this step of your template:

There is an ever growing list of Objects you can choose from. Scroll through the list and select the required object for this step of your template:

For this example, select the Date Selector Input Object Type:

19.       This object requires that you indicate the format of the date, as it will appear in the final document. Use the drop down to select the appropriate format:

20.       Click Save & Next to save your step and move Step number: 2:

Note: The first step you added is now displayed in the Steps Added box.


21.       Repeat the process (enter a step title, step description, indicate if you require a page break, select how or if you want the title displayed, if you wish to hide the step):


For this step, add a Textbox (Rich) Input Object Type. The following textbox will appear:


You can leave the textbox empty, ready for the user to enter text, tables, graphics etc. or you can enter default text, format it using the rich text editor toolbar, so that it is there ready for the user to use and edit when creating a document from this template.


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