To create a Folder:
1. Go to Methodology > Library tab.
2. Click on the Add toolbar icon
3. You will see a drop down list with three content options; Folder, Flowchart and Library Page: Select Folder
4. Enter a title for your new Folder
5. Select Save
6. Your new folder will appear at the end of the current folder list.
You have successfully added a folder
To edit a Folder:
1. Click on the folder you wish to edit
2. Select the Add icon
3. You have three edit options; you can edit the name, move the folder up in position or move the folder down in position. To edit the name, double click on the folder name and type the new name. You can move the folder up and dow.
You can use drag and drop functionality to move items around the tree structure. You can delete the folder by selecting it and clicking on the bin icon in the Methodology > Library view
You have successfully edited a folder