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6. Project Lifecycles and Milestones

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

Project lifecycle phases are used to track the stage gates of a project as it progresses from one phase to the next. These phases are broken up into Pre Award phases, which are used to track the potential sales pipeline, and Post Award phases, which represent work that has been won and is in progress. Lifecycle phases are defined and configured by an individual company’s methodologies / practices. Below is an example of lifecycle phases showing the triggers for a project’s movement from one phase to the next:

Possible projects that are tenuous, or where the fee and scope of work is unknown, can still be set up in UniPhi for tracking the pipeline of projects. Once it is known that the proposal is likely to proceed, the project is moved to the Submission phase.

Submission phase manages the proposal submission. Once the proposal is submitted and a decision has been made, it can be moved either to a post award phase, or cancelled if the proposal was unsuccessful. By cancelling lost work, UniPhi can track win/loss % for submissions and the value of the won/lost work. Comparing this to invoiced values gives UniPhi the ability to report book to burn ratios.

The post award phases track the projects, or client’s stage gates. It may be that your part of the project work is in one of these phases only.

Concept represents the creation of a business case.

Development is when project planning occurs. The project will move to Implementation when the final project management plan has been signed off.

Implementation is where implementation tasks associated with the project occur. The project will move to Close Out when all agreed deliverables have been received, and signed off.

Close Out ensures that all post practical completion work has been completed and invoices finalised. The project moves to Complete once all invoices have been paid.

Complete is a project that has been completed (typically includes key tasks such as the finalisation of accounts).

Lost/Cancelled is a project that was proposed/tendered and was unsuccessful or that may have been cancelled prior to completion.


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