To create a project custom field:
1. From the side menu select Configuration > Project, navigate to the Custom Fields tab and scroll down to Custom Fields:
2. Click the Yellow icon to display the following screen:
3. Select the relevant project custom field Category (if relevant).
It is possible to allocate project custom field to specific project categories, effectively links your custom fields to a particular project category. Larger or more complex UniPhi deployments may need a greater number of custom fields to be added in order that reporting requirements can be satisfied.
Adding categories allows the company to report on a selection of project custom field data more easily. For example, a project may require multiple fields to be added regarding safety (i.e. number of lost time injuries, number of medical treatment injuries, number of first aid injuries, and number of working days lost etc.) If all of these custom fields have been assigned to the safety category then it is easy for Project Managers to report on all safety data by simply selecting the safety category when generating a report.
To add project custom field categories simply go to Methodology > Project Custom Field Categories
Click the yellow icon, enter the name of your new category, and then click save. Repeat until you have added all required categories.
4. Enter the order number that you wish your custom field to appear in the Project Details box (1 for first, 2 for second, etc.).
5. Select the relevant project categories (Sector, Project Type, Service Line and Location) that your new custom filed relates to. Leaving each of the category fields blank means your custom field will appear in every project.
6. Enter the name of your custom field in the Field Name
7. Select the type of custom field you wish to add by selecting the Field Type dropdown.
Custom Field Types: There are eight (8) different types of project custom fields.
Text: Allows the user to enter in limited text.
Number: Allows the user to enter in numeral digits when adding a new project
Currency: Captures financial information
Date: Allows the user to select or manually enter a date against the project.
List: Allows the end user to make a selection from a pre-defined drop-down list.
This will be demonstrated in the following exercise.
Check List: Allows the end user to make multiple selections form a pre-defined check list.
8. Select the period of time that the custom field is valid for. For this example select Whole of Project.
Valid For: By indicating the period the custom field is valid for, you enable users to report on the information based on these periods - either the value is specified for the life of the project or is set every financial period.
Whole of Project: may be an extra level of project categorisation for reporting purposes over the entire project.
Financial Period: Used when you want to report on something (e.g. an occurrence such as the number of OH&S incidents) over a financial period. These fields will appear in the Monthly Updates sub-nav. See this video on Periodic Custom Fields for more information.
9. Click the save icon to save your custom field
10. To view your new custom field, go to Portfolio > Summary and click the Yellow icon to display the Project Details screen. Note the new custom field appears at the bottom of the Project Details box.