To create a new Custom List:
1. Click Configuration > Custom Lists to display the Custom Dropdown Lists box:
2. Click the icon to display the following screen:
3. Enter the name of your custom list and the list contents. Each item should be placed on a new line. This is done by pressing the enter key after each item.
4. Click the Save icon to save your list. Your new list should now appear in the Custom Dropdown Lists along with other lists that have been created.
To apply your custom list to projects:
1. To add your new custom list to projects go to the Configuration > Project view.
2. Click the Yellow icon in the Custom Fields box
3. Give your project custom field a name (this does not have to match the name of list you created) and select list from the Field Type: dropdown.
4. The Custom List dropdown will appear. Select the list you created earlier.
5. Save your entry.
View your project custom list by going to Portfolio > Summary and drill into a project. This will display the Project Details screen, and as you scroll down through the project information you will notice that your custom list has been added.
You now know how to create and apply custom lists
Custom lists are a very powerful and useful way to capture project specific information. Custom lists can be used in numerous places within UniPhi such as project summary, issues, and even document templates.
To apply your custom list to an issue category:
1. Ensure the issue category exists.
2. Click on Configuration > Issue > Issue Custom Fields and click Add.
3. From the drop down menu, select the custom list to be linked. You will now see this custom list in the Issues screen if the issue category is selected.
You now know how to create and apply custom lists to an issue category.